2021 Annual Meeting Minutes


Web: www.windstormpark.com

Email: [email protected]

Attendees (via Zoom):

John Ross, President (892 NE Clear Creek)

Deborah Aronson, Secretary (954 NE Clear Creek)

Brian Cooper, board member

Lisa Barton-Mullins, board member

Florence Stephens, board member

Brennan Burns, board member

Other board members unable to attend:

Jean VanderMerghel board member


  1. Welcome and Introductions – all present introduced themselves, meeting called to order 10:04AM.
  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes from March 7th, 2020 – John introduced minutes, Lisa moved to approve, Deborah seconded, all were in favor, minutes approved unanimously. Lisa made the helpful point that a paper copy of the minutes from our annual meeting should be sent out to all members. Unanimous agreement this would be done and included with the annual invoices sent out.
  1. Old Business – summarized previous year of activity in the HOA including: 1) successful addition of John Ross as Secretary and as signer on HOA bank account and 2) unsuccessful transition to Alan Marcoff as new HOA president (Alan moved out of the neighborhood) and need for new HOA President. Deborah nominated John Ross to be new HOA President, Lisa seconded, board voted and John Ross was elected new HOA President with unanimous approval. John nominated Deborah to serve as HOA Secretary, Brennan seconded and Deborah Aronson was unanimously elected HOA Secretary. Deborah agreed to serve with help from her daughter, Emily.
  1. Old Business Continued – Discussed any possible outstanding invoices from 2020, John agreed to double check a few properties to make sure no payments were missing. Lisa proposed waiving 2021 dues for lot 197 (Alice Black) in light of recent news, board unanimously approved.
  1. New Business – 2021 dues and invoicing – John moved to keep annual dues as-is ($150 with $25 discount for on-time payment). Brennan seconded, board agreed with unanimous approval. Deborah agreed to send out invoices via mail with help from Emily and to include a copy of minutes supplied by John.
  1. New Business – Welcome Baskets – good discussion by board about purpose and efficacy of welcome baskets. General agreement that they are important and helpful. Deborah agreed to continue sending welcome baskets to new homeowners with assistance from Lisa. Board agreed unanimously to set a budget line item ($250) for welcome baskets in the 2021 budget.
  1. Deborah reminded board of the creation of the windstorm park facebook group, if any homeowners wish to be included in the facebook group, please contact Deborah or email the HOA directly: [email protected]
  1. John motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded, unanimous approval 11:05AM. Meeting adjourned.

Action Items

-Annual Invoices need to be sent out ASAP including a copy of these annual meeting minutes.

Posted in Announcements

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