2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
Windstorm Park HOA
Annual Meeting
Brennan Burns, President
Deborah Aronson, Secretary
Jean VanderMerghel board member
Lisa Barton-Mullins board member
Florence Stephens member
Yvonne Van Vactor member
Alan Marcoff member
Carla Marcoff member
John Ross member
Welcome and Introductions – all present introduced themselves. Board members answered questions regarding the history and care for the wall on Glisan St. and the two main purposes of the board. Discussed 2x yearly wall maintenance and thanks to Jean for maintaining the wall.
Correction and approval of Meeting Minutes from December 7th, 2019 – Brennan introduced corrected minutes and moved to approve, Deborah seconded, all were in favor, updated minutes approved unanimously.
Old Business – Discussed need for annual meeting minutes to be typed up and sent out to each homeowner.
Invoicing System? Discussed a possible invoicing system for HOA payments using “pink books” to streamline things. Decided to stay with paper invoices and emails for now.
Mailbox Options – robust discussion occurred including options for 1 or 2 main “hubs” with numerous boxes. Would address safety concerns but comes at significant cost to install / maintain. Discussed option of individual locking boxes that homeowners could choose to install yet maintain the same look / curb appeal. Note made by Deborah that “Flo would write up notes on that discussion.” No decision made to install central hub boxes, board mentioned it might alert homeowners interested in mail security to options of individual locking boxes that could be installed.
New Business – set day for HOA Potluck. July 11th was picked.
Election of New HOA President – Alan Marcoff nominated by Deborah Aronson, Brennan Burns seconded, unanimous approval. Alan Marcoff is new HOA Board President. Brennan agreed to stay involved for one year to ensure smooth transition. John Ross nominated by Brennan Burns for Secretary. Deborah seconded, unanimous approval. John Ross is new HOA Board Secretary.
Action Items
-John Ross to be added to First Community Credit Union.
-Deborah Aronson to remain on as signer at First Community Credit Union.
-Brennan Burns is to be removed from the account as signer.
Posted in Announcements
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